16 Partial or Excessive Actions
If you can’t achieve 100 percent of a desired effect – then go for more or less
■ Over spray when painting, then remove excess
■ Fill, then ‘ top off ’ when pouring a pint of Guinness
■ Shrink wrapping process uses plastic deformation of wrapping to accommodate variations in vacuum pressure
■ ‘ Roughing ’ and ‘ Finish ’ machining operations
■ Over-fill holes with plaster and then rub back to smooth
17 Another Dimension
A. Move into an additional dimension – from one to two – from two to three
■ Coiled telephone wire
■ Curved bristles on a brush
■ Pizza - box with ribbed (as opposed to flat) base
■ Spiral staircase uses less floor area
■ Introduction of down and up slopes between stations on railway reduces overall power requirements
B. Go single storey or layer to multi-storey or multi-layered
■ Player with many CD ’ s
■ Stacked or multi-layered circuit boards
■ multi-storey Car parks & offi ce blocks-Stacking
C. Incline, tilt or re-orient the object, lay it on its side
■ Cars on road transporter inclined to save space
D. Use ‘ another side ’ of a given area
■ Press a groove onto both sides of a record
■ Mount electronic components on both sides of a circuit board
■ Print text around the rim of a coin
■ Paper clip – works by pressing both sides of paper together
18 Mechanical Vibration
A. Cause an object to oscillate or vibrate
■ Electric carving knife with vibrating blades
■ Shake/stir paint to mix before applying
■ Hammer drill
■ Vibration exciter removes voids from poured concrete
■ Vibrate during sieving operations to improve throughput
■ Musical instrument
■ Vibratory conveyor
■ Mobile phones
B. Increase its frequency (even up to the ultrasonic)
■ Dog - whistle (transmit sound outside human range)
■ Ultrasonic cleaning
■ Non - destructive crack detection using ultrasound
C. Use an object ’ s resonant frequency
■ Destroy gallstones or kidney stones using ultrasonic resonance
■ Bottle cleaning by pulsing water jet at resonant frequency of bottles
■ Tuning fork
■ Increase action of a catalyst by vibrating it at its resonant frequency
D. Use piezoelectric vibrators instead of mechanical ones
■ Quartz crystal oscillations drive high accuracy clocks
■ Piezoelectric vibrators improve fluid atomisation from a spray nozzle
■ Optical phase modulator
E. Use combined ultrasonic and electromagnetic fi eld oscillations (Use external elements to create oscillation/vibration)
■ Mixing alloys in an induction furnace
■ Sono - chemistry
■ Ultrasonic drying of films – combine ultrasonic with heat source
19 Periodic Action
A. Instead of continuous action, use periodic or pulsating actions
■ Hitting something repeatedly with a hammer
■ Pile drivers and hammer drills exert far more force for a given weight
■ Replace continuous siren with a pulsed sound
■ Pulsed bicycle lights make cyclist more noticeable to drivers
■ Pulsed vacuum cleaner suction improves collection performance
■ Pulsed water jet cutting
■ ABS car braking systems
B. If an action is already periodic, change the periodic magnitude or frequency
■ Improve a pulsed siren with changing amplitude and frequency
■ Dots and dashes in Morse Code transmissions
■ Use AM, FM, PWM to transmit information
C. Use pauses between actions to perform a different action
■ Clean barrier filters by back - flushing them when not in use
■ Inkjet printer cleans heads between passes
■ Brush between suction pulses in vacuum cleaner
■ Multiple conversations on the same telephone transmission line
■ Use of energy storage means – e.g. batteries, fly - wheels, etc
20 Continuity of Useful Action
A. Carry on work without a break. All parts of an object operating constantly at full capacity
■ Flywheel stores energy when a vehicle stops, so the motor can keep running at optimum power
■ Constant output gas turbine in hybrid car, or APU in aircraft, runs at highest efficiency all the time it is switched on
■ Constant speed/variable pitch propeller
■ Self - tuning engine – constantly tunes itself to ensure maximum effi ciency
■ Heart pacemaker
■ Improve composting process by continuously turning material
■ Continuous glass or steel production
B. Eliminate all idle or intermittent motion
■ Self - cleaning/self - emptying fi lter eliminates down - time
■ Print during the return of a printer carriage – dot matrix printer, daisy wheel printers, inkjet printers
■ Digital storage media allow ‘ instant ’ information access
■ Kayaks use double - ended paddle to utilise recovery stroke
■ Computer operating systems utilise idle periods to perform necessary housekeeping tasks
TRIZ for Engineers: Enabling Inventive Problem Solving, First Edition. Karen Gadd.
© 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-74188-7